Student Instructor Bella Beauty College


  • Do you have the desire to educate and inspire others? Do you want to train new students to succeed in the beauty industry?  Do you find yourself giving mini-classes in the salon to other stylists, nail techs or estheticians?  The Student Instructor course is the next step.  If you have a license and have more than 1 year of experience you could enroll in the 500 hour program. If you have been licensed less than a year or do not have any experience in the salon, you can enroll in the 750 hour course. An interview with our Admissions Director and the Director of Education is required along with a copy of your driver’s license, a copy of your TDLR license (operator, mani, esth or mani/esth), a copy of your High School Diploma or GED & a resume of previous work and education. We periodically offer scholarships for the student instructor program, so please call today!




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